Trailer for the project Portraits of Migration, where the photographer Alexander Mahmoud has captured portraits of migration in Sweden.
See the full photo project here

Client: Swedish Institute
Film by Moa Karlberg
Music by Christian Kjellvander

Ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in work-life is not only a matter of rights; it is the lucrative thing to do. By boosting gender equality, the Nordic countries have moved from poverty to prosperity. Affordable childcare, education and parental leave for both mothers and fathers have increased well-being and economic growth. Meet 6 Nordic people who are working the balance; at home and at their jobs.

Client: the Nordic Council of Ministers
Film by Moa Karlberg
Sound editing by Daniel Fagerström
Music by Pachipachi Music

Trailer for the photo project Swedish Dads, featuring the photographer Johan Bävman who decided to turn Swedish dads on parental leave into role models for dads around the world.
Subtitled version here

Client: Swedish Institute
Photographs by Johan Bävman
Film by Moa Karlberg
Music by Pachipachi music

Is Haspengouw a place in Punjab, or is Punjab a place in Haspengouw? During the last decades, immigrants from Punjab in Northern India have left their mark on Haspengouw, a region in Flanders, Belgium. When the Punjabis arrived here, many of them found their first jobs on fruitfarms in the region. Others found their way in the local economy through independent businesses like restaurants and night-open supermarkets. “Hasbanipur” is an ode to the cultural influences of Punjabis in Haspengouw. “Hasbania” is Latin for Haspengouw Region “Pur” means place or city in Sanskrit.

In co-production with Forbid Oaks and AYU Compagnie
Video by Moa Karlberg
Music by Martijn Vanbuel, Forbid Oaks
Choreography by Yentl De Werdt, AYU Compagnie